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but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”
By Nelson Mandela
for being cared for, for being wanted, for
having someone to call their own”.
By Mother Teresa
wiser today than he was yesterday.”
By Abraham Lincoln
when the lights go to black and the band leaves
the stage and you wanted an but there's no encore
Cause the moment is now, can't get it back from the grave.”
By Macklemore
that's my religion.”
By Abraham Lincoln
order and everything becomes.. Chaos”
By The Joker
i don't know if i believe in god.
all i know is that as an individual,
i won't allow this life - the only
thing i know to exist - to be wasted.”
By George Clooney
A freedom without commitment to others,
A freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism,
is unworthy of our founding ideals,
and those who died in their defense.”
By Barack Obama
would you want to do what you are about
to do today?”
By Steve Jobs
the same thinking we used when we created them”
By Albert Einstein
thought to be insane by those who could not
hear the music.”
By Friedrich Nietzsche
or some other time, We are the ones we've been waiting
for, we are the change that we seek.”
By Barack Obama
Not to fake perfection.”
By Drake
to be perfect is to change often.”
By Winston Churchill
only light can do that. hate cannot drive out hate:
only love can do that.”
By Martin Luther King Jr
do not want to see, but you cannot close
your heart to the things you do not want to feel.”
By Johnny Depp
a stage where every man must play a part,
and mine is a sad one.”
By William Shakespeare
the poor idiot may be stuck in a tree or something.”
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inspiring famous quotes By Nelson Mandela
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains,but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”
By Nelson Mandela
Best life famous quotes Mother Teresa
“Even the rich are hungry for love,for being cared for, for being wanted, for
having someone to call their own”.
By Mother Teresa
inspiring famous quotes By Abraham Lincoln
“I do not think much of a man who is notwiser today than he was yesterday.”
By Abraham Lincoln
inspiring famous quotes By Macklemore
“It's the part of the show where it all fades away.when the lights go to black and the band leaves
the stage and you wanted an but there's no encore
Cause the moment is now, can't get it back from the grave.”
By Macklemore
inspiring famous quotes By Abraham Lincoln
“when i do good, i feel good. when i do bed, i feel bad.that's my religion.”
By Abraham Lincoln
inspiring famous quotes By The Joker
“Introduce a little anarchy. upset the establishedorder and everything becomes.. Chaos”
By The Joker
inspiring famous quotes By George Clooney
“I don't believe in heaven and hell.i don't know if i believe in god.
all i know is that as an individual,
i won't allow this life - the only
thing i know to exist - to be wasted.”
By George Clooney
inspiring famous quotes By Barack Obama
“A freedom that only asks what's in it for me,A freedom without commitment to others,
A freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism,
is unworthy of our founding ideals,
and those who died in their defense.”
By Barack Obama
inspiring famous quotes By Steve Jobs
“If today were the last day of your life,would you want to do what you are about
to do today?”
By Steve Jobs
inspiring famous quotes By Albert Einstein
“We can not solve our problems withthe same thinking we used when we created them”
By Albert Einstein
inspiring famous quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche
“And those who were seen dancing werethought to be insane by those who could not
hear the music.”
By Friedrich Nietzsche
inspiring famous quotes By Barack Obama
“change will not come if we wait for some other personor some other time, We are the ones we've been waiting
for, we are the change that we seek.”
By Barack Obama
inspiring famous quotes By Drake
“I was born to make mistakes,Not to fake perfection.”
By Drake
inspiring famous quotes By Winston Churchill
“To improve is to change:to be perfect is to change often.”
By Winston Churchill
inspiring famous quotes By Martin Luther King Jr
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness:only light can do that. hate cannot drive out hate:
only love can do that.”
By Martin Luther King Jr
inspiring famous quotes By Johnny Depp
“You can close your eyes to the things youdo not want to see, but you cannot close
your heart to the things you do not want to feel.”
By Johnny Depp
inspiring famous quotes By William Shakespeare
“i hold the world but as the world, gratiano:a stage where every man must play a part,
and mine is a sad one.”
By William Shakespeare
inspiring famous quotes nice line
“Stop waiting for prince charming. get up and find him,the poor idiot may be stuck in a tree or something.”
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